whitening your teeth – Any options for whitening your teeth? slowly giving up?
I’ve been questioning myself about tooth whitening kits. Well I want to try crest whitening strips but I hear lots of people say its not good, is that true for tooth whitening kits? How can i get my teeth white?
Suggestion by HotLavaCake
baking soda
Suggestion by Aashna
alot of dentists have free teeth-whitening products. try them first.
Suggestion by Ashley B
crest white strips worked really well for me…the only hard part is the discipline to put them on everyday and they do cause tooth sensitivity, but its only temporary…i would definitely recommend them
Suggestion by Kjay
I recommend idol white its easy to use, saves money at the dentist and it works straight away. For more information go to http://mhlnk.com/5B0FE862
Suggestion by Kevin
Another natural teeth whitening question? Brush your teeth for 5 minutes 4 times a day, using Crest whitening expressions toothpaste for 2 minutes, then using a mixture of baking soda and peroxide for 2 minutes, then use mouth rinse with fluoride for the last minute. It works for me but it’s too much work to begin with. Try teeth whitening kits that doesn’t require you to do much with faster results. A friend is currently using it and I can already tell the difference. She also found a free trial online for the kit. My kit just shipped out 2 days ago so I can’t wait. Hope that helps w/ your natural teeth whitening question!
What are some teeth whitening options?
Could someone give me a good list of all the different kinds of teeth whitening products and procedures along with any insight on cost and effectiveness? thank you!!
Suggestion by Sweetness
crest whitening strips
Suggestion by Joanne C
listerine teeth whitening strips work REALLY well!
Suggestion by ashlynnaaby
you can get some type of special toothpaste
Suggestion by sjhyw!
crest white strips. about $ 25
consumer reports says their pretty good
Suggestion by :+:cobra:+:
In my experience, strips work perfectly fine and use the exact same active ingredient found in professionally done teeth whitening procedures, just in lower concentrations. It may actually be better for your teeth to do it at home too, since whitening your teeth can make sensitive teeth even more sensitive, but at-home kits use lower concentrations and let you take breaks in between strips instead of forcing it all to be done in 1 hour.
Dentists highly recommend Crest Whitestrips, best to go with Classic or Pro. Listerine’s strips work equally well, if not better. Toothpaste on the other hand, does nothing. It’s simply not on your teeth long enough for the hydrogen peroxide to do the trick. It’s just another marketing gimmick.
If your teeth ever get sensitive when using the strips, it doesn’t hurt to take a day or two’s break in between. I bought Crest Classic and although I’m supposed to use 2 strips/day, I use one every other day. My teeth have fillings and MANY cavities but did not get sensitive at all, despite having gotten many shades whiter after only using 1/6 of the box!
I found a lot of info before whitening my teeth on Web MD. Look at this site for more information.
Teeth Whitening
Many teeth whitening systems are available, including whitening toothpastes, over-the counter gels, strips and trays, and whitening agents obtained from a dentist.
Teeth whitening is ideal for people who have healthy, unrestored teeth (no fillings) and gums. Individuals with yellow tones to their teeth respond best. But this cosmetic procedure is not recommended for everyone.
Find out if teeth whitening is right for you.
Whitening Systems
Whitening Toothpastes
All toothpastes help remove surface stains because they have mild abrasives. Some whitening toothpastes contain gentle polishing or chemical agents that provide additional stain removal effectiveness. Whitening toothpastes can help remove surface stains only and do not contain bleach; over-the-counter and professional whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide (a bleaching substance) that helps remove stains on the tooth surface as well as stains deep in the tooth.
Whitening toothpastes can lighten your tooth’s color by about one shade. In contrast, light-activated whitening conducted in your dentist’s office (see below) can make your teeth three to eight shades lighter.
Over-the-Counter Whitening Strips and Gels
Whitening gels are clear, peroxide-based gels applied with a small brush directly to the surface of your teeth. Instructions generally call for twice a day application for 14 days. Initial results are seen in a few days and final results are sustained for about 4 months. The retail cost for this product is about $ 15 for a 14-day treatment.
Whitening strips are very thin, virtually invisible strips that are coated with a peroxide-based whitening gel. The strips are applied twice daily for 30 minutes for 14 days. Initial results are seen in a few days and final results are sustained for about 4 months. The retail cost for this product ranges from $ 10 to $ 55 for a 14-day treatment.
Tray-Based Tooth Whitening Products
Tray based tooth whitening systems, purchased either over-the-counter or from your dentist, involve filling a mouth guard-like tray with a gel whitening solution – which contains a peroxide-bleaching agent – and wearing the tray for a period of time, generally from a couple hours a day to every day during the night for up to 4 weeks and even longer (depending on the degree of staining and desired level of whitening).
Learn more about the differences between over-the-counter tray-based whitening systems and one obtained from the dentist.
In-Office Whitening
In-office bleaching provides the quickest and most effective way to whiten teeth. With in-office bleaching, the whitening product is applied directly to the teeth. These products can be used in combination with heat, a special light, and/or a laser. The light and/or heat accelerate the whitening process. Results are seen in only 1, 30- to 60-minute treatment. But, to achieve dramatic results, several appointments are usually needed. However, with laser-enhanced bleaching, dramatic results can be seen after the first treatment.
In-office bleaching procedures range in cost from $ 200 to $ 500 per arch, or $ 500 to $ 1,000 for the whole mouth.
Over-the-Counter At-Home Teeth Whitening Vs. Dentist-Supervised Teeth Whitening Products
There are differences between the two, including:
* Strength of bleaching agent. Over-the-counter home use products and dentist-supervised at-home products usually contain a lower strength-bleaching agent from 10% carbamide peroxide, which is equivalent to about 3% hydrogen peroxide, up to 22% carbamide peroxide. In-office, professionally applied tooth whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide in concentrations ranging from 15% to 43%.
* Mouthpiece trays. With dentist-supervised at-home bleaching products, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and make a mouthpiece tray that is customized to exactly fit your teeth. This customization allows for maximum contact between the whitening gel, which is applied to the mouthpiece tray, and the teeth. A custom-made tray also minimizing the gel’s contact with gum tissue. Over-the-counter whitening products also contain a mouthpiece tray, but the “one-size-fits-all” approach means that the fit will not be exact. Ill-fitting trays can irritate the gum and soft tissue by allowing more bleaching gel to seep onto these tissues. With in-office procedures, the bleaching agent is applied directly to the teeth.
* Additional protective measures. In the office setting, your dentist will apply either a gel to the gum tissue or use a rubber shield (which slides over the teeth) prior to treatment to protect your gums and oral cavity from the effects of the bleaching. Over-the-counter products don’t provide these extra protective measures.
* Costs. Over-the-counter bleaching systems are the least expensive option, with costs ranging from $ 20 to about $ 150. Depending on where you live and the extent of the procedure, dentist-supervised home bleaching systems range in cost from approximately $ 150 to $ 300 per upper or lower set of teeth, or $ 300 to $ 600 for the whole mouth
* Supervised vs. unsupervised process. Dentist-supervised at-home bleaching and in-office treatments offer additional benefits compared with over-the-counter procedures. First, your dentist can perform an oral examination and consider your complete medical history, which can be helpful in determining how your teeth became discolored and if bleaching is an appropriate course of treatment based on your type and extent of stains and type, number and location of restorations. Your dentist can then better match the type of stain with the best treatment, if appropriate, to lighten those stains. With dentist-supervised bleaching procedures, your dentist will likely want to see you a couple of times to ensure you are following directions, to make sure the customized tray is fitting properly, to inspect your gums for signs of irritation, and to generally check on how the teeth whitening process is proceeding. With over-the-counter bleaching products, you are on your own.
What are some tooth whitening options, if you have fillings on your front teeth?
Suggestion by tooth975
Fillings will remain the same color while teeth become whiter so if you want a uniform look then all the fillings that show will have to be replaced with whiter ones to match the bleached teeth.
Suggestion by Kevin H
Crest White Strips are the best.
Suggestion by ppyordanov
A teeth whitening pen like this http://whiteningpen.info/ for instance.
Tagged with: giving • options • slowly • teeth • whitening
Filed under: Best Ways To Whiten Teeth
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